Go for it!
This may look like a very happy photo. But it isn’t. This is my dream that never came true. A dream that kept me awake at nights. A dream that was crushed under the expectations of society.
Oh wait, that’s not true. It was a dream that I didn’t work towards and fight for. Today’s moment made me feel the pain of regret. I remember the day I quit professional cricket, dropped a few tears and decided to stop watching the game. I convinced myself with the ‘IF’. If I had played more, I would’ve played for India. Bull shit. There is no ‘if’. And since that day, I have tried to live my life within a regret minimization framework. The people I meet, the opportunities I take, the travels I plan, have all, in many ways, been a way of minimizing regret.
Please don’t do this to yourself. We are here for a limited time, let’s make it worth our while. Go out there, live each day to the fullest.
Paint this world with your favorite colors, don’t let the world paint you in monochrome.
You may think otherwise, but you have very little to lose. Take that leap of faith.