My blunt question to women- Do you understand equality? Do you really want it?
You fight for your right to wear what you like, your right to smoke and be accepted just as guys are, your right to go out late in the night or your right to enter temples, etc.
YES, these are fundamental rights you shouldn’t be made to toil for. Rights that are yours by default. Rights that matter and add value, comfort and a sense of respect to your lives. But, have you ever wondered how you have been fighting for (comparatively) trivial things just because you don’t have the balls to fight for the bigger things that can transform your lives? Do you realise that there are more important things that you are being deprived of? Let me list a few questions you should ask before anything else:
1. Why should you leave your parents after marriage? What if you are their only daughter? Why change your name after marriage? Why make your parents pay for the wedding?
2. Why don’t you ask for your share in your paternal family wealth?
3. Why do you not ask your brother to learn to cook?
4. Why should your dad not discuss his business/ job/ income or politics with you?
5. Why don’t you question your Katrina’s and Sunny Leone’s for objectifying your sex and making the situation worse? Or maybe the Shahrukh’s for giving us the cliched sexist movies.
The questions are endless and only such questions will actually change the scenario in the longer run. You must realise that an undirected and immature approach towards gender equality is only going to worsen the situation.
Gender equality is more about these bigger issues and the smaller ones will fall in line.
This is not something I’m getting preachy about, but I actually work towards solving these issues in real life. I encourage my female peers to do the same, but they are are either too lazy or too scared to question the status quo. Ofcourse, some try, but a collective effort is required to remove this menace by its roots.
So don’t get overawed by the preferential treatment meted out and start working towards the real change. Also, the next time the feminist in you comes out, please know how to PrioritRise.
Jai Hind.